Friday, August 12, 2011


Okay, I'm addicted.  I went five days in a row this past week and plan on doing 5 days this week as well.  I am burning around 500+ calories in an hour class and sweat a TON!  So for now, I'm putting running on hold until it's cool enough to run outside again.  LOVE it!!  I will get a pic up next week for sure!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Maybe a break from running?

Today I took a Zumba class!  I'm so addicted.  Frankly, it's 30 more minutes than I run and I think that I burn at least as many calories, etc.  We'll see.  I"m going again tomorrow afternoon and again Saturday morning.  I"ll re-evaluate after the weekend and see if going back to running is a better option.
I may alternate once school is in session.  Again, we'll see.
But seriously, massive amounts of sweat exited my body.  That's a good thing right?