Today I reached 1.929 miles. I have realized that I am completely competing against myself. This is both good and bad. Bad in that I am pushing myself REALLY hard. And while that's all well and good, I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure. Right now I get a break after each running segment. Quite frankly, I'm pretty sure Jerry would have to come find and drag me out of a ditch if I tried to run the distance I am covering with walking and running. Once I start running more than walking, I feel like my distance will probably decrease, as my pace slows a little bit. If the goal is to run 3.1 miles then I will make that at this rate WAY before the end of 9 weeks. And I just don't see that happening. On the other hand, I am pushing myself and pushing my limits. A few weeks ago, running for 90 seconds at a time would have had me gasping for breath.
My pulse only got up to 177 at the end of the workout. This is much better that what it was last week. I feel like my lungs are getting stronger too. I"m still very tired, but I do feel my awake time has a bit more energy. And I also think that my tiredness is related to something else entirely... but that is a different post for another day.
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