Much better. No feelings of vomit or death. Jerry talked me through loading music onto my phone, I got an adapter for my headphones...and while music only comes out of one headphone, it is a heck of a lot better than none. I made it 2.45 miles and then finished the lap I was on as a cool down so went 2.75 total. Not too shabby. It is getting hotter here in the mountains, which I suppose is a good thing for me. That means when I get back to the coast I have a small chance of succeeding in the heat. I am sure I will have to back track for a week or so to get re-acclimated, but so be it.
I'm going to continue with Week 6 through this week. My whole plan of being through the program and consistently running 3.1 miles by the time I got home has been blown to hell, but I'm okay with that. As long as I am still sticking with the program, then great! Once I can run 3.1 miles (or 30 minutes) consistently for a couple of weeks, I'm rewarding myself with a new pair of running shoes. I still refuse to enter in competition. This is for me, not for some reward of feeling like I need to compete. Life has too much of that anyway.
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