Friday, April 13, 2012

Tomorrow's the Day

I will run my first 5k in manymanymany years.  My goal is to complete it. I ran a 10.39/mile 5k earlier this week.  No way will I do that tomorrow as there are those pesky obstacles in my way.  I'm stressed over what to wear (as it will not be warm and, ya know, wet) and what I"m going to eat in the morning (as my blender blew up and eating is so over rated in the morning time... it takes SO much time...heheheee) and my running partner got a start time of 9:06 and mine isn't until 9:21 (WTF????) I feel like it's the first day of school all over again.  What if I pee myself, or throw up, or fall over into the fetal position and refuse to get up, or worst case scenario... I break something?!?!?!?
My goal is to simply finish.  I have no time to beat in my head.  I have no one thing I feel I MUST accomplish other than finishing the dang thing.
I will eventually post pictures and whatnot.  I have 87203487 pictures on my camera right now and it's bugging me, but so is the fact that picasa now uploads straight to G+ and I don't like that at all!!!!!  stupid stupid heads. hmph.
So here goes nothing... and everything!

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