Friday, June 24, 2011

Week 5: Day 5

So I didn't get up early enough to run this morning.  My parents deliver meals on wheels.  So, in order to run, I have to get up before them and be able to be back before they leave.  However, mom needed my car to take herself to the doctor, so I just blew it off.  HOWEVER, I felt guilty so I ran this evening.  We went to the lake.  Mom came along and was going to hang out with the kiddos.  Elijah decided that he wanted to run with me.  The loop at the lake is .55 miles.  Once I start my walking warm up, I don't really slow down.  So Elijah jogged with me while I walked and then ran when I jogged.  I thought he would make it ONE lap.  He made it FOUR!!  I did five.  I was super impressed.   So I did 2.75 miles.  Running on relatively flat land is a hell of a lot easier than on hills.  We went out for ice cream afterwards and then stopped to catch fireflies on the way home.  Elijah and I walked from the firefly field back to the house.  Pretty good evening out.  I think I'll start doing this on Fridays until we leave.

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