Saturday, April 14, 2012


I had a BLAST today.  I ended up running with 4 other women.  We waited for each other and encouraged each other along the way.  We weren't the speediest of runners, but we are happy and had fun and got muddy... like REALLLLLY muddy.
Things I did not expect:  two pull up rungs on the 8 (really 10) foot wall (SWEET!), the ability to get over every obstacle, having to go underwater.
Things I did expect: the water to be FREEZING!!!!  (didn't make it better!)  To take like an hour to finish...

There were people that finished in under 30 minutes, which was a little insane to me (and i kinda wanted to kick them in the knees....) but whatever.  I finished, I didn't throw up, no injuries... that was my goal.

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