Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 5 : Day 1

I will be doing Week 5 for the next week and a half.  I didn't run Monday due to this.  And since I only an once last week, I was expecting to die a little.  BUT we are in the mountains.  And MAN it's nice here.  I can wait until I actually wake up to run and not swelter to death in the heat.  I ran at 9 this morning and the temp was a cool 65 with low humidity.  Ahhhh.  The scenery is so pretty.  I ran at Black Mountain rec park.  Started out on a trail that went by the river, and then proceeded on a new path up by the community gardens, then ran to the end of the Oak's Trail.  Two major hills.... which I had to walk halfway up.  The schedule is 5 minute warm up walk, 5 minute run, 2.5 minute walk (I did 3), 5 minute run, 2.5 minute walk (again 3), 5 minute run.  I added on a cool down to get to the car, but really on 2-3 minutes.  All that ended in a little over 2 miles.  Not to bad.  I ended up walking 30 seconds in each 5 minute run, but still.
Last week, I really did work out a lot.  I biked almost everywhere and at least 5 miles a day... pulling at least Grace in a trailer.  I also swam a lot.  And the last day we were there, I tread water while catching Elijah in the deep end and giving him a push to swim to the wall for about 45 minutes.  So I feel like I gave my shins and knees a little rest, while still getting the exercise I needed.
Also, I started (re-started?) The Turbulence Training Workout.  It's an easy 20 minutes... well, it feels easy because you can do it watching TV and it feels like you aren't doing much.... until you wake up the next morning and try to run up hill!  heh.  My legs are sore.  I don't know why we stopped doing this last year.  By the 8th week, I was rocking out pull ups.  I think we had planned on moving onto P90X, but then the sickies hit and it just never happened.  But I'm okay with that.  I need something I can continue doing.  This program allows you to do just that.  AND it's made to partner with something like the C25K.  So, great!  I will just finish the beginner session in time to go home, which works out well since I need the pull up bar to continue to the next level.
There are a few other places to run around here that are a little more level, but I like the challenge of the hills and feel like if I can get to a point where I can do the whole 2+ miles without stopping, I'll be in a good place for going back to the pit oven that is Wilmington.
This was way more that I intended to write.  heh.
Song that motivated me to push through at the end: Beautiful Day by U2.

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