Friday, July 1, 2011

Week 6: REAL Day 1

So I ran today.  It sucked.  A LOT! Here's this weeks drill: 5 minute warm up, 5 minute jog, 3 minute walk, 8 minute jog, 3 minute walk, 5 minute jog.
Gotta say that I only made it 2.2 miles.  And seriously, I thought I was going to throw up.  It was the first time since doing this that I thought that would happen.  sigh.
Also, my MP3 gave out.  That made me want to kill something.  Hmph.
I really am not sure that I would have cared last week... or even if it just been my last 5 minutes, but i gave out in the 8 minutes.  So, what do I do when my music goes out?  I talk to myself.  Admit it, you do it too.  My music just drowns me out.  My conversation with music is more centered on actual music.  For example, "I wonder what song is next?"  or "Ahh, this has a good beat for my pace."  But without music I tend to start arguing with myself, so the conversation is vastly different and rather frustrating.
self 1: Ugh, this sucks.  Why don't we just do week 5 again.  No one will know.
self 2: NO.  I WILL know.  You can do it.  See you are half way there.
self 1: BUT if we go back to week 5 then we will only have 1 more minute.  PLEEEEEAAASSSSEEEE?
self 2 : No.  Why don't you sing or something.
self 1: "it's a beautiful daaaaaaaaay." can we stop now?
self 2: sigh.  NO.  Look we only have 3 more minutes to go.
self 1: but we could WALK those minutes and it would be soooo nice.  Besides I'm not feeling well.  I don't wanna.
self 2: Suck it up. You CAN do this. Next time will be easier.
self 1: Oh hell no am I running again with just you and no music.  That is NOT happening.  Can we stop please?
self 2: No.  We only have 1 minutes left.  You can stop whining cause you get to walk in 45 seconds.  Stop looking at your watch.
self 1: But there is no timer for 8 minutes.  Only a stop watch.  I am NOT going more than 8 minutes.  See look we only have 10 seconds left.
self 2: *rolls eyes*  whatever.  walk and breathe.  See you made it through. You are just fine.
self 1: yeah yeah yeah.  whatever.  We are telling Jerry tonight that the music is gone and figure out what to do.
self 2:  You know I think people would think this is a crazy conversation and may institutionalize us if they knew this conversation existed 
self 1: Is there running in said institution?  hmmm.... [storing away for blog post]

so yeah, before tonight's run, i'm hitting radio shack to get a converter thingy for my phone.  those guys are REALLY annoying to listen too.  hehehe.

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